Morse Day Operations - April 27, 2019
DW Office - Antique Wireless Association Museum, East Bloomfield, NY
Submitted by J. Chris Hausler
In special celebration of Morse Day on Saturday, April 27th, the Antique Wireless Association's museum in East Bloomfield, NY will be opening 3 hours early, at 10AM instead of the usual 1PM Saturday opening time. We will remain open until the usual closing time of 5PM, although if no visitors are present we usually close a little early at about 4:30PM. The AWA telegraph office features an authentic telegraph desk with two operating MorseKOB wires. One of these wires will be connected to MorseKOB wire 11 all day. If you find yourself in the area please stop by and if you wish you may join in the Morse Day telegraphic conversation from the desk.
We are also scheduling an AWA membership appreciation day that day so hopefully more AWA members will be there as well. So there should be a good group of "radio guys" on hand to talk with as well. And of course let's not forget the museum's world class collection of communications history including Morse's original notebook from the 1844 Washington-Baltimore demonstration line.
Kirkwood, MO - Amtrak RR Depot
From Derek Cohn via Facebook
The Morse Telegraph Club will be celebrating Samuel Morse’s Birthday "Morse Day" on Saturday, April 27th, 2019 from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. at the Amtrak Railroad Depot in Kirkwood, MO!
Note: This is a new location this year!
Activities Include:
- Antique Telegraph Equipment Display including Sounders, Relays, Hand Keys, Bugs, etc.
- Antique Western Union All Caps "Mill" typewriter
- Morse Demonstration over the Internet with Morse operators around the country
- We will have party trays with sandwich meats, cheese, etc. inside the depot for those attending our event
- Samuel F.B. Morse Birthday cake!
- The "Missouri River Runner" Amtrak train is scheduled to stop at the depot at 1:13 p.m. on Saturdays
Whether you know Morse or not, you are welcome to join us! We’ll share lots of stories about the old days and renew old friendships!
We encourage you to bring any historic artifacts you may have related to the railroad or telegraphy and we’ll have a wonderful time!
Plantation Historical Museum, Plantation, FL
Submitted by Robert Feeney, FX
The Florida Chapter of the Morse Telegraph Club will be celebrating their annual Morse Day event at the Plantation Historical Museum at 511 N. Fig Tree Lane in Plantation, Florida. The event will begin at 12 noon and end at 4 pm. Two MorseKOB terminals will be set up to communicate and exchange greetings with other chapters around the United States. There may also be a dial-up Morse unit available to connect to the Canadian hub. Members are encouraged to bring telegraph instruments for show-and-tell. There will be some very early instruments from the 1850s-1860s on display and these will be put "in-circuit" (some of these-probably for the first time in a hundred years!). These instruments represent the earliest telegraph instruments still being actively utilized for communication purposes. There will also be an Athearn repeater on display to demonstrate for visitors.
Members will be treated to a BBQ lunch prepared by Cathy Feeney and there might even be a Samuel Morse birthday cake!